Monday, 31 October 2011

"Carmine & Lyca"

In Hallow's Eve 2010, the Executive Director and her favorite models - her sister and a couple of cousins came together for a fun Halloween shoot called "Carmine & Lyca". Carmine is after its synonymous word bloodred and Lyca, a shorthand term for Lycanthropy or "of werewolves". It inspired a mood for vampires and werewolves as it was the height of Stephanie Meyer's "Twilight" saga. 

This year, the Executive Director chose to bring it back to life on the runway. Initially, the Fashion Party concept was to be slated on October 29th, a Saturday. But due to congested Octoberfest schedules in venues, the event was moved to a more appropriate time, November 12, 2011 -  a week before the world premiere of the first part for "Breaking Dawn" the last installment of the "Twilight" series. 

Joining the now growing Hollywood FX family is the newly appointed Marketing Strategist and Manager, Jenefer Maagad, who is a neonate but avid nonetheless in her travel and landscape photography. Reinforcing the ingenuity of Christian Erfe Gesta and Jeanny Dizon is a brilliant concept photographer, Jessica Jane Tesoro Villegas who showed great promise during her debut photoshoot with Hollywood FX - the "Carmine & Lyca" poster shoot.

Chosen to represent the group of models for the poster are the "vampiric" Nina Marie Tano and Taiza Ejem with the equally wolfish Charles Banez Bulawan, Joseph Karmelo Bajuyo and Clyde Mondero, an applicant for Hollywood FX male models who was asked to join as his first screening. After his "Clean Folio Shoot" with the other aspiring models besides the "First 15" Clydie is likely to make Hollywood FX his second home. 

Hollywood FX aims to make an impact firstly with its poster since it will create and maintain a lasting impression - being its very first brain child. But with the ingenuity and talent from the creative team, Hollywood FX may well just have brought the necessary FX from Hollywood even with its sneak peak pictures.

 The Executive Director-cum-stylist-and-MUA with model Taiza Ejem
(Photo courtesy of Jessica Jane Tesoro Villegas)

Model and now official Assisting Set Director Kevin Abdala with the models for the poster.
(Photo courtesy of Christian Erfe Gesta, gadget by Nina Marie Tano)


  1. Amber, this project is amazing! Kudos to you and the rest of the team behind Hollywood FX. I look forward on reading more about you guys, soon!

  2. Hi Cheska! Thanks for following us. We hope to work with you very soon in future endeavors. Let us know how we can collaborate. More Power!
